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Statistical Software Packages


Packages Written for Stata

ALIGNEDPAIRS - Performs aligned ranks test (Hodges-Lehmann) for matched pairs.

From within Stata type: ssc install alignedpairs

ALIGNEDRANKS - Performs two-sample aligned rank-sum (Hodges-Lehmann) test.

From within Stata type: ssc install alignedranks

ALIGNEDSETS - Performs aligned ranks test (Hodges-Lehmann) for matched sets.

From within Stata type: ssc install alignedsets

ESIZEREG - Computes effect size based on linear regression coefficient.

From within Stata type: ssc install esizereg

EVALUE - Conducts sensitivity analyses for unmeasured confounding in observational studies.

From with Stata type: ssc install evalue

FRAMINGHAM - Calculates the 10-year risk of a CVD event from the Framingham Heart Study.

From within Stata type: ssc install framingham

GENIDSEQ - Generates numeric sequence to represent long identifiers.

From within Stata, type: ssc install genidseq

GETREGSTATS – Computes all values in a regression table when only the coefficient and one other statistic is available: From within Stata, type: ssc install getregstats

ITSA - Performs interrupted time series analysis for single and multiple group comparisons.

From within Stata type: ssc install itsa

ITSAMATCH - Performs matching in multiple group interrupted time series analysis.

From within Stata type: ssc install itsamatch

ITSAPERM - Performs permutation tests for matched multiple group interrupted time series analysis.

From within Stata type: ssc install itsaperm

ITSARAND - Performs randomization tests for single-case and multiple-baseline AB phase designs.

From within Stata type: ssc install itsarand 

KFOLDCLASS - Generates classification statistics of k-fold cross-validation for binary outcomes.

From within Stata type: ssc install kfoldclass

LOOCLASS - Generates classification statistics of
Leave-One-Out cross-validation for binary outcomes

From within Stata type: ssc install looclass

MEDADHERE – Computes Medication Possession Ratio and Proportion of Days Covered of a medication.

MMWS - Performs marginal mean weighting through stratification.

From within Stata type: ssc install mmws

MPR - Computes the Medication Posession Ratio.

From within Stata type: ssc install mpr

PDC - Computes the Proportion of Days Covered of a medication.

From within Stata type: ssc install pdc

PROPWT - Produces one or more sets of weights to use in analysing data with propensity scores. Co-written with Mark Lunt.

PSTRATA - Generates optimal propensity score strata.

From within Stata type: ssc install pstrata

QQPLOT3 - Generates a quantile-quantile plot (Q-Q plot) in which the quantiles of one variable are plotted against the quantiles of another.

From within Stata type: ssc install qqplot3

RANDTREATSEQ - Generates treatments in a random sequence for each individual in the sample, thereby reducing the potential for order effects of multiple treatments.

From within Stata type: ssc install randtreatseq

RETRODESIGN – Assesses type-S (Sign) and type-M (Magnitude) errors:

From within Stata, type: ssc install retrodesign    

SCHEME_SCIENTIFIC - Produces a graphic scheme favored by many scientific journals.

From within Stata type: ssc install scheme_scientific

SEQUENCE - Generates versatile numerical sequences.

From within Stata type: ssc install sequence

STBRIER - Computes the Brier score for survival (censored) data.

From within Stata type: ssc install stbrier

SVALUE – Computes and plots S-values against their respective P-values.

From within Stata type: ssc install svalue

SVYSAMPSI - Calculates sample size for a simple random survey with a binary outccome (ie., smoker/non-smoker, etc.). It can be easily modified for more complex designs.

From within Stata type: ssc install svysampsi

designed by: Homer Gaines
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