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With over 25 years of experience in medical - healthcare research and management, we can help you design, implement, and evaluate

  • Medical management, disease management and health promotion programs
  • Medical home model, accountable care organizations
  • Clinical quality improvement initiatives, operational processes
  • Government, accreditation, and contractual requirements
  • Financial planning and measurement
  • Most any other needs of today’s healthcare market

Awards and Recognition

  • "Leader in Disease Management" by Managed Healthcare Executive
  • "Outstanding Journal Article" Award by Disease Management Association of America
  • "Best of Business" by the Small Business Commerce Association
Highlighted Publication

Linden A, Huber C, Wodtke GT. A regression-with-residuals method for analyzing causal mediation: The rwrmed package. Stata Journal (in press)

Linden A. Conducting interrupted time-series analysis with panel data: The xtitsa command. Under review

Adler-Milstein J, Linden A, Bernstein SJ, Hollingsworth JM, Ryan A. Longitudinal Participation in Delivery and Payment Reform Programs among US Primary Care Organizations. Health Services Research DOI: 10.1111/1475-6773.13646

Linden A. Executing ODA from within Stata: Combining random forests and ODA to estimate treatment effects for multi-valued treatments (Invited). Optimal Data Analysis 2021;10:36-41.
Linden A, Yarnold PR. Executing ODA from within Stata: combining boosted regression and ODA to estimate treatment effects for multi-valued treatments. Optimal Data Analysis 2021;10:18-23.
Yarnold PR, Linden A. Implementing ODA from Within Stata: Exploratory Hypothesis, Three-Category Class Variable, Continuous Attribute. Optimal Data Analysis 2021;10:3-10.
Yarnold PR, Linden A. Implementing ODA from Within Stata: Implementing ODA from Within Stata: Confirmatory and Exploratory Inter-Rater Reliability Hypothesis with a Three-Category Ordinal Rating. Optimal Data Analysis 2021;10:12-17.  
Linden A, Mathur MB, VanderWeele TJ. Conducting Sensitivity Analysis for Unmeasured Confounding in Observational Studies using E-values. Stata Journal 2020;20(2):162-175.
Linden A. Assessing medication adherence using Stata. Stata Journal 2019;19(4):820-831.
Linden A. Using Randomization tests to assess treatment effects in multiple-group interrupted time series analysis. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 2019;25:5-10.

Ryan AM, Kontopantelis E, Linden A, Burgess JF. Now trending: Coping with non-parallel trends in difference-in-differences analysis. Statistical Methods in Medical Research 2019;28(12): 3697-3711.

Cross DA, Nong P, Lemak CH, Cohen GR, Linden A, Adler-Milstein J. Practice strategies to improve primary care for high-needs patients under a pay-for-value program. Healthcare 2019;7:30-37.

Platt K, Thompson A, Lin P, Banerjee T, Linden A, Fendrick AM.  Utilization of Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose in Individuals with Type 2 Diabetes Not Using Insulin.  JAMA Internal Medicine 2019; 179:269-272.

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